Ouh really ? Blood type tells personality . I gonna share about blood type and their personality . Read this , analysis it and tell me your blood group . But ask your parent first what is their blood type . For me , my mother's blood type is O and my father's blood type is AB . So , my blood type might be A or B :) O -Cannot stand people who hide the truth -Make objectives clear -Posses great deal of confidence -Honest,optimistic and energetic -Strength and endurance depend on their aim -Give up easily if they find the job meaningless -Postive about the past , thus do not regret about the past -Seek financial stability for the future -Usually stable and calm -Sensitive toward sincerity -Give frank,direct opinion -Ability to concentrate vary from time to time , depending on aim -Most prefer to lead -Can overlook details A -Pesimistic and too sensitive -Careful about decision making -Make thing clear in black and white -Care too m...